Henderson Streamliner


Henderson was one of the major motorcycle brands in the early part of the 20th Century. Unfortunately, like many others, they could not survive the Great Depression and ceased production in 1931. Before they did, however, a handful of Model KJ Streamline motorcycles were produced. The KJ Streamline utilized the company’s famous 1300cc inline 4-cylinder engine and could achieve speeds over 100mph.

The bike pictured here is a 1930 Henderson Streamline KJ model that was modified by Mr. Orley Ray Courtney - a metalsmith employed by the Oldsmobile car company. In 1935, Courtney was awarded US Pat. No. 2,035,462 for his streamlined motorcycle:

"This invention relates to streamline motorcycle bodies, having generally for its object to provide an air flow motorcycle that will give greater riding comfort; which will keep the motor cooler than usual in the present form of such machines in common use, and which is equipped with so-called knee action devices which give smoother riding quality to the vehicle. Snubbers are also introduced whereby the jolting and jars of ordinary street and road riding are noticeably reduced or mitigated."

If you are a fan of Art Deco, this may be the most beautiful motorcycle of all time. It is the motorcycle equivalent of the Bugatti Type 57SC Atlantic. We’ll let the pictures speak for themselves, but you can read more about this incredible machine here.

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